Wealthy Minds



The simplest and most effect change you can do is learn to laugh and smile more all day, every day.

You hold a vibration in you all day and it goes up and down with your emotions and mood and the vibration you hold effects what you attract and experience.

The higher the vibration, the easier and faster it is to attract what you want because the wave length distance is shorter and return back to you quicker.

If you can hold a higher vibration within you all day the LOA (Law of Attraction) will work easier for you and all you have to do is smile lots.

What makes you smile?


Stay humble.

Stay humble.

Once you DO successfully attract what you want and change your life, stay humble. Be thankful and grateful and share your happiness with others. 

Being selfish, greedy, egotistical, show off, or anything like that will hold you in a lower vibration and most likely prevent you from continuing to attract success. 

Make sure that once to do succeed, continue all the positivity, visualization, focus and love that you were doing before. This will ensure a continuous flow of awesome energy through you forever. 

Some people succeed and then totally change their daily habits over night because they think they are “done”. You are never done being in control of your own life so what ever habits caused you to succeed, keep going, growing and evolving. 

The simples way to stay humble once you succeed is to share with others and help people do the same. 

Help others also be happy.



"Taking the path of least resistance is always helpful and peaceful, which is always in line with your life’s purpose. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. The more in harmony you are with the flow of your own existence, the more magical life becomes."


Keep moving.

Keep moving.

Creation depends on the movement and flow of energy. Once you decide what you want to create, keep moving toward it even if it’s just baby steps.

If you stop, so will the growth of your creation. Use your thoughts, feelings and actions to keep energy flowing and keep your dreams growing.

Keep going.


Direct your energy.

Direct your energy.

Your focus, attention, thoughts, feelings and love are what feeds an idea as it becomes a reality.

Choose to direct your energy toward your dreams and NOT your fears.

Focus on your fears and they will grow and become your new reality. Focus on your dreams and watch your reality change.

Feed your dreams.


Happy Father's Day to the greatest father(s) in the world!

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day to the person that never doubted me and my aspirations in life. The person that was there throughout some of my hardships in life. The person that was never shy on contributing to others. And the person that gave unconditional love to 3 beautiful children.

Remember you are an inspiration to your children and to others. You inspire me to to be a loving human being towards others and treat people with respect and also to achieve my goals every single day. You taught me that the goal is to not get rich, the goal is to live rich. 

So don’t let another day go by without showing your love and appreciation to your love ones. 

This one is for you Pops! I love you so much & always take care!



Everything in life are all stories that we write. Some stories that we write are stories that can shape our lives dramatically, and can also ruin it. So make sure to write some good stories about yourself, because in the end of the day, the stories that you write about yourself is the reality that you are living in. 

If you don't like how you're life is looking, you're the director, you're the producer, you're the star, you wrote the script! So if it's a hit you produced it, if it's a flop you produced it! Take ownership of it! Go back to the drawing board and re-write the script! You wrote it, so you have the power to change it!



Do you believe in yourself?

You’re right.

Whether you believe you CAN or believe you CAN’T, you’re right. Your ability to do something is greatly affected by what you believe you are capable of.

If you believe in yourself you will naturally take action and make it happen. If you don’t believe in yourself you won’t even try.

Do you believe in yourself?


3 career habits that helped Walt Disney launch the company that is now worth $156 billion

  • Walt Disney approached his job with craftsmanship - and there are a few lessons that everyone can learn from.
  • While creating boundaries between your work life and home life is important, you should approach work as if it's part of your life and not something separate. Find something you want to incorporate into your identity.
  • It's also important to note what your intention is. If your motivation is to do the work for the sake of fame and money, your work won't be as inspired as it could be.
  • Disney approached his work with the intention of doing a good job - and if you do the same, the money and success will follow.

In 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was released .

It was the first full-length traditional animation feature, and despite the world suffering from the effects of the Great Depression, its commercial success created a new media giant.

Although The Walt Disney Company would continue to see many ups and downs over the next few decades, it had managed to infect the cultural consciousness. Animation wasn't just for children. It became a timeless way to communicate the most basic of our human values.

The person behind all of this was an eccentric man who had grown up drawing cartoons.

The name Walt Disney is now synonymous with iconic film characters and the world-famous theme parks that bear his name, but in the early days, he was just a man with an artistic itch. He wanted to show the world what happens when you mix elements of fantasy with reality.

The term artisan is often used to describe a craftsperson. Someone who makes things with their hands. However, it also connotes the idea of a job done with care for its own sake.

While a case can be made that Disney's success was attributed to his craftsmanship, the more interesting observation about his life and his work is the level of satisfaction he derived from his career. He was practically infatuated with his job.

What you do for a living takes up a big part of your life, and it should be more than just work. It should be a craft. Disney was the prime example of an artisan, and his story illustrates this to its core. Let's steal a few lessons.

1. No separation between work and life

One of the most common discussions regarding careers is one concerning work-life balance.

We all have limited time, and naturally, it makes sense that we want to spread it across the different responsibilities in our life without falling into the trap of over-committing to any one.

While the idea of having a balance is important, the distinction that is often created in such discussions is not. It separates your life from work when the goal should be integration.

If you think about how much time the average person spends working (approximately 80,000 hours, or 9 full years, by some estimates), it becomes clear that there isn't really a way to separate work from life. Even if we compartmentalize, that's only a psychological distinction.

We eventually become what we do. The daily actions you take as a part of your job become ingrained in you as habits, which shape your identity. This affects you in a substantial way.

Walt Disney famously came up with the idea for the first Disneyland while watching his two daughters ride a carousel. He wanted to create an environment where families could come together to enjoy each other's company just as he was in that moment with his children.

Even when he wasn't working, his work augmented who he was at home. Similarly, when he was at home, his family life inspired what he built and created for other families at his work.

While boundaries are key, being an artisan isn't just about having a work identity. It's about aligning who you are as a result of work into a larger, holistic way of operating as a person.

If you're an artist, you are an artist outside of your studio. If you are an entrepreneur, you are an entrepreneur outside of the office. This is true regardless of whether you think that way.

We are what we do. It's on us to make what we do something we're proud of outside of that.

2. Progress is in the details, not the image

Between 1931 and 1968, Disney was nominated for 59 Academy Awards, winning 22 of them. That's the second most nominations out of anybody else and the most wins ever.

As he inspired the creation of more and more animation films as a producer, he received more and more acclaim from the world. He went from being a simple animator in his early days to a man better described as an industrialist. His company became a force of nature.

Yet, by all evidence, it appears that Disney was more concerned with details than image.

His goal was always to mold the impossible in with the possible, and he defined his progress more by how each individual felt and reacted to his creations than by general perception.

In most work, there is always an ever-present conflict between what you have to do to win over external praise and what you have to do to feel a sense of internal accomplishment.

Often, these are interconnected. Sometimes, if you don't win over the external praise, you may no longer have a job. That said, just as often, the external praise we seek is a product of satisfying the ego and not born out of necessity. That's where things tend to go wrong.

It may be gratifying to hear praise and to gain status or prestige in the moment, but at the end of the day, that's not the kind of progress that really counts. That's not what truly fulfills.

Artisans do things for their own sake. They do things to learn and to master. To challenge and to be challenged. The goal is to be a little bit better today than you were yesterday, and that metric isn't defined by some outside committee, but it's determined by your product.

You love what you invest in, but the best investment is found in the details. And the beauty is that, if you focus on simply learning, mastering, and improving, the image takes care of itself.

3. Reward for good work is more work

The core intention we have for doing something shapes every subsequent choice we make.

If your core motivation is success and fame and riches, then even if you consider yourself an artisan in your mind, your behavior won't reflect what it is that you tell yourself about work.

If you focus on mastery and have an intrinsically motivated definition of progress, however, then the only reward of going through the process of work is more work. It's the luxury to do what you're already doing in a more complex environment or on a more impactful scale.

No matter how big The Walt Disney Company got, there was one thing that Disney would always remind people of. Profits were important, and necessary, but they didn't come first.

"Do a good job. You don't have to worry about the money; it will take care of itself. Just do your best work - then try to trump it."

It's a very subtle distinction, but making that clear changed everything from the projects they picked to who they partnered with to the kind of characters they choose to develop.

If treated the right way, work can be one of the most rewarding gifts that life has to offer.

Humans are creative and productive, to some extent, by nature. We make things, we build things, and we create on top of what we have already made and built. If a task is aligned with whatever drives our inner nature, we thrive on adding more complexity to our work.

While there is a prevailing narrative in our culture that sees work as something to be done until you don't need to do it anymore, the truth is that, if you truly respect and value whatever your work is, the real benefit of working is actually the ability to continue to do more of it.

Waking up and feeling truly grateful to do what you do is the reward. That can't be bought.

Due to individual circumstances, not everyone can aspire to the kind of work that brings out the artisan in them, but anyone can at least try to adjust their mindset with what they have.

Walt Disney is one of the enduring cultural icons of the past few generations, and much of both his success and his level of fulfillment can be traced back to his craftsmanship at work.

Most of us have careers that last between 30 to 50 years. That's a significant part of life, and the only way to ensure they mean something is to treat what you do with the right intention.

There's an artisan in all of us. Whether or not it shows through depends on our daily choices.