Wealthy Minds

Learn to overcome judgment.

Learn to overcome judgment.

Fear of being judged stops most people from trying and causes others to give up. Failing isn’t negative, it’s how learning happens.

If you can learn to have no reaction to people judging your failures, nothing can stop you from succeeding. It’s your choice to react or not. Remain completely neutral or happy for the learning experience.

Every time you fail, say “thank you” to the universe. When someone judges you, smile and tell them how great the learning experience was and what your new, awesome plan is now.

Notice your self-judgment and change it into something positive. Judging yourself could destroy your dreams so practice every day to love the journey.

Learn to love learning.


There are no short cuts

There are no short cuts.

Attraction and creation is a process that takes stages of growth to reach completion. When a farmer plants a field there are no short cuts that will get the crop to completion any faster or better.

You can’t expect to plant a seed today and have it grow to completion the next day. It takes time to grow through each stage of the process so it grows strong and health along its growth process.

An idea in your mind works exactly the same as a seed in the ground and take time to grow to completion. Let your idea grow naturally while you feed it and stop trying to force growth or speed up the completion date. The seed decides when it’s ready to blossom, not you.

Your time and energy are valuable to your creation so instead of thinking about a short cut every day, use your energy to support and grow your idea at a natural pace. A natural, steady pace always works better.

Let creation do its job.


Be an example.

Be an example.

Become whatever you want to experience from others. If you want loving people in your life, be an example of a loving person.

Show the universe what you want more of by setting examples of what you want to attract.

You attract how you act.


What we ask for isn't necessarily what we desire.

What we ask for isn't necessarily what we desire. The asking lies in our feelings and the beliefs behind them - our attitudes and expectations. If we are anxious, hostile, envious, resentful, etc... those are projected into the world and returned as unwanted life experiences. We live in a safe universe if that is the one we create for ourselves.

Our experiences are not independent, random events but in harmony with the feelings and beliefs we hold. If we believe we are unworthy, events in our lives will be consistent with that; see ourselves as wonderful, decent human beings and the universe will confirm that. It isn't a matter of responding fairly; what returns to us are physical life experiences which match the essence of our beliefs and feelings. 


Focus on what you love

Focus on what you love.

You have your 5 senses, time and energy to use as tools of creation. Decide what you love, whether you have it or not, and focus everything you have toward everything you love.

Continue to do the things you love and move toward more things you love. Value the creative tools you have within your body, mind and environment and use them with intention and direction.

Make a list of what you love.