Personal Blog

Your new adventure awaits!

Arturo Montoya, 

My bradahhh! Man! I can't believe you're already dippin' out! I still remember the first time we met during Holiday Season last year. 

I won't write a lot, but, I do want to say one thing; THANK YOU. 

I always make sure to have people in my life that wants the best for me and for the people around me. So many of us don't get anywhere because we are constantly bombarded by people who don't help push us towards our goals. However, you are different. You want to "MPOWER" the people around you and I believe that is one of the greatest traits to have as a leader.

Never forget to keep climbing, to keep grounded and last but not least, to keep inspiring people.



LOCATION: The Walt Disney Co.

LOCATION: The Walt Disney Co.

Happy 63rd Birthday to the place that I can actually call my "second home", Disneyland.

Always an amazing and humbling experience to come up to Walt's apartment once in a while with my favorite peeps from The Walt Disney Company! 

I’am truly blessed that I can make Walt's dream a reality every day infront of thousands of guests.

LOCATION: Walt Disney's Apartment - Disneyland, CA

LOCATION: Walt Disney's Apartment - Disneyland, CA

HIKE #2 (2018): Spent my day-off exploring nature w/ these lovely ladies (sis & cousin.)


LOCATION: Etiwanda Falls

LOCATION: Etiwanda Falls

LOCATION: Etiwanda Falls

LOCATION: Etiwanda Falls

LOCATION: Etiwanda Falls

LOCATION: Etiwanda Falls

LOCATION: Etiwanda Falls

LOCATION: Etiwanda Falls

LOCATION: Etiwanda Falls

LOCATION: Laguna Beach, CA - Johnny Rockets

Happy Father's Day to the greatest father(s) in the world!

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day to the person that never doubted me and my aspirations in life. The person that was there throughout some of my hardships in life. The person that was never shy on contributing to others. And the person that gave unconditional love to 3 beautiful children.

Remember you are an inspiration to your children and to others. You inspire me to to be a loving human being towards others and treat people with respect and also to achieve my goals every single day. You taught me that the goal is to not get rich, the goal is to live rich. 

So don’t let another day go by without showing your love and appreciation to your love ones. 

This one is for you Pops! I love you so much & always take care!


Happy 15th B-Day Cuzzo!

Happy Birthday to my little cousin Bernice! Always remember to know your value and life will take care of you as you go along this beautiful journey. 


Cousin AG


Don't let life take away your endless power. Be happy for this ‘moment.’ This ‘moment’ is your life. When we live completely from the mind over a period of time, we lose touch with the infinite self, and then we begin to feel lost. This happens when we’re in ‘doing mode’ all the time, rather than ‘being mode’ the latter means letting ourselves be who and what we are without judgement. Being doesn’t mean that we don’t do anything. It’s just that our actions stem from following our emotions and feelings while staying present in the moment. Doing, on the other hand, is future focused, with the mind creating a series of tasks that take us from here to there in order to achieve a particular outcome, regardless of our current emotional state. We should be lifting each other up, and cheering one another on. Not trying to outshine, or one up each other. The sky would be awfully dark, with only one star. 

Don't let someone tell you that you can't do something. If you got a dream, you protect it. When people can't do something themselves, they're going to tell you that you can't do it. You want something, go get it. PERIOD. The goal is to not get rich, the goal is to live rich.


24 years and counting!

I'am truly thankful and blessed that I have been on this beautiful universe for 24 years today. I thank all the people that molded me to be who I'am today. I remind myself every single day that the greatest of a man is not how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.

I open my eyes every morning knowing that I have another day to contribute to this world and contribute to others however I can. I'am thankful for being here, I'am thankful for life, and I’am thankful for you.

Thank you everyone for all the b-day wishes, and I love y'all! 

Location: Corona del Mar


Location: Corona del Mar


Location: Corona del Mar


"Where Dreams Come True"

Yesterday, my co-workers (Matthew and Tricia) and I visited the Walt Disney Studios in Burbank. Boyyy, that was quite an experience! Walking around the studios made me feel some type of way. Seeing the different stage areas, and also the Animation rooms really got me the "feels." Also walking around the "Legends Plaza" was an extraordinary experience. 

Lesson from this whole visit; I became "inspired." As Walt Disney himself said, "I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing — that it was all started by a mouse." 

It was truly humbling that I'am privileged to have access to a magical and also an iconic place like the Walt Disney Studios. I can't wait on what's ahead of this incredible journey of mine called "life." 


WULF PACK ADVENTURES (1/12/2018-1/15/2018)


My squahhh and I decided to go on our very first trip for this year (2018) to the beautiful state of Arizona and Nevada. We came there specifically to snowboard in Mt. Humpreys, Arizona Snowball. That was probably one of the most coolest thing I've ever done in my life so far! 

Overall, it was an amazing trip w/ the homies and my best friend's family. 

Don't ever forget to keep enjoyin' this journey that we call life. 


DAY 1 & 2


2 0 1 8

Oh boy! What a year!

Definitely a year that I will never forget. There was a lot of things that happened this year that for sure tested on how strong of a mindset I have. But in the end, I’m content, because that’s the only thing you can do is move on from it and also enjoy the learning process.

See, we don’t have a thousand years to live here on this planet, so just keep enjoying this journey that we call “life.”

Always remember to make it a habit to tell people, “thank you.” To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you will soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you will find that you have more of it.


Love y’all,